Exterior Insulation
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Exterior insulation systems standartdized by European countries many years ago and strated to use for energy save. Because of start to use very lately this system in Turkey,  in spite of our country selling energy in the past, now became a country which is buying energy. When noticed that supplies on earth are reducing quickly,we can clearly see that we must not late for energy save precautions.


Our products developed by research and development can apply many various buildings. European standarts can be achieve as a result of insulation with stroline products. Energy that spends for cooling air conditions or heating systems can reduce about %50 with exterior wall insulation. If buildings roof and basics also insulated this ratio can rise %60. This kind of important saving benefits must be remembered for your costs and also your country economy. Even exterior wall insulation system is not the only insulation system for buildings it is most long-lived and effective one. The prencibles of this is system is to cover exterior of building with out seperation.